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SSU to Host PROarts 2.0 Forum for Outstanding Youth

19 June, 2023 - 16:45

SSU to Host PROarts 2.0 Forum for Outstanding Youth

Аэлита Пономарёва
Виктория Викторова

The opening of the three-day forum of contemporary arts, ProArt 2.0, was held in SSU Bldg. 10, where creative youth of Saratov State University gathered.

The ProArt 2.0 forum was organised with the support of the Ministry of Youth Policy and Sports of Saratov Region, the city Mayor’s Office as well as Saratov State University. The event is held as part of the Youth Week, which is timed to celebrate the Youth Day of Russia in Saratov Region and will last from June 19 to 25.

The forum was launched by Vice-Rector for Youth Policy and Organisational Work Anton Golovchenko. In his welcoming speech, he expressed gratitude to the students who helped organise the event, the participants who applied for the forum of contemporary arts, and the Ministry of Youth Policy and Sports of Saratov Region represented by Deputy Minister Angelina Belovitskaya.

‘I am glad to welcome you, representatives of creative youth. For ten years, I have come to the conclusion that our youth is the most extraordinary, creative, and purposeful. And these are not just words, because behind each of you are victories at the Russian Student Spring, in professional skill competitions. The Ministry of Youth Policy and Sports, the university administration, the heads and deputy heads of districts – we are doing everything to help our young people reveal their talents. It is great that as part of the forum of contemporary arts you have the opportunity assess your potential and discover new horizons. I hope that master classes, trainings, and lectures will help you discover something new,’ Angelina Belovitskaya said. In conclusion, she spoke about the Youth Week in the region and invited the forum participants to the events, including the Without Borders. Artists of Donbass exhibition, which were taking place in the art cluster of the Reineke Warehouses ROSIZO.

During the PROarts 2.0 forum, four directions will be available – Dancing, Singing, Drama, and Street Art. Every day, for three days, the participants will attend both general and specific lectures. Each of them will allow students to gain practical skills and knowledge, as well as find like-minded people.

For example, for young people who are fond of dancing, master classes will be held by the founder and head of the KVA Dance Company, a ballet dancer of Christina Orbakaite’s group and an expert consultant of the Dance Klondike project Andrei Beich, a choreographer, a choreographer of the one-act ballet Paganini Diana Vaylova, and a choreographer Daria Vorozheikina. They will introduce participants to such genres as Contemporary and Experimental.

The head of the Light singing school and a member of the International Association of Singing Teachers, a winner of the 2023 All-Russian Student Spring, and a brand manager of the international company Sophia Abramova will give the singers a lecture entitled The Voice They Fall in Love with and will help young singers to stage their performance items. In addition, as part of the Singing direction, the classes will be held with a professional singing teacher, a resident, and an expert of the Tavrida.Art art cluster, the author of the Love Yourself, Manya song popular at student competitions by Asya Zykova and one of the best beatboxers in Russia, a member of the ElixiR professional beatbox duo, the founder of the country's largest beatbox school of the same name Anton Gladyshev.

Together with the head of the delegation of Volgograd Region to the RSS, the director of mass events, and Arts Director of the Student Theatre of Volgograd State Technical University Vyacheslav Kashcheev, theater-goers will learn about the Student Theatre of Variety Episodes (STVE), the actresses of the Bank of Sugar play Elena Krasnova and Irina Protasova will talk about theatrical practices. The rest of the speakers will share the peculiarities of public speaking.

The participants of the Street Art direction will practice and master the genre of street art on the Cosmonauts Embankment. Special designs will be organised for installations-canvases that will later be used at major city events. According to the director of the ProArt 2.0 forum and Deputy Director of the Student Club Alexander Yefimov, the task of the Street Art direction is to create an interuniversity community of street artists.

After the opening of the forum, the participants attended the first general lecture. Alexander Yefimov told them how to properly prepare an event, what you need to pay attention to when planning and implementing it. The speaker set a conditional task for the participants – to organise a Star Wars-like wedding. The young people were passionate about what was happening and actively participated in the conversation.

To remind, the PROarts 2.0 forum will last from June 19 to 21. On the final day, a reporting concert will take place, where the participants of the directions will show the results of their creative experiments.